Sarsfields Hurling Club are running a new sports prediction competition. Basically you predict the outcome to several sporting events during the year and you are then allocated points based on your predictions. The prizes are as follows:
1st Prize €300
2nd Prize €200
3rd Prize €100
You can download the entry form here.
Please fill out two copies and retain one yourself, return the other to any member of the Sarsfields
senior hurling panel or drop into Sarfields pavilion in an envelope marked ‘Sports predictor 2013’
no later than Friday May 17th 2013.
1. Person with the highest points total after the last event is declared the winner
2. In the event of a tie, the person with the closest answer to the tiebreaker question will be declared
the winner
3. If your selection does not participate you will receive no points for that question
4. All entries must be received by May 17th, 2013
5. Competition committee’s decision is final
6.Any entries received after the deadline date will not get points for events missed.
7. League table of scores will be kept updated on Sarsfields website www.sarsfields.ie
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